Whilst most agencies have a specific aesthetic that fit their brand, Le V understands that no one woman is the same, and that clients have varying preferences.
We appreciate diversity, and like our escorts to have their own unique point of difference.
If you are confident, friendly and excited by the idea of meeting new people, then we look forward to your inquiry.
Beauty is subjective and not all gentlemen prefer blondes.
If you have an open mind, consider yourself an artful conversationalist, have a sense of comfort and enjoy meeting new people, you’re already half-way there.
Generally speaking, most of our clients prefer smaller dress sizes, however, if your body is well cared for, you take pride in your appearance then curves are most certainly welcome!
Not at all, in fact, most inquiries we receive are from new-comers.
We are sensitive to the nerves that naturally come along with this being a new venture, and we keep this in mind when arranging your initial bookings.
We want you to enjoy yourself and feel at ease with Le V.
No commitment? No problem! All inquiries are non-obligatory.
We want you to be excited by the prospect of working with us. We are here to answer your questions, and determine if we’re the right fit for one another.
Le V, in essence, will act as your representative – we arrange and facilitate your bookings to work within, or around, your schedule.
We provide everything you need to get you up and running – including:
Once on board we also provide:
All of the above ensures a smooth sailing, risk free and fun environment.
We understand that, for most, this is a supplementary lifestyle to your studies or full-time employment which will naturally take priority.
To make money with Le V there are three things that are essential;
Building great rapport with regular clients.
If you are interested in the prospect of working with Le V, we invite you to complete the application form below, or call us directly on +6421 424 777.
All inquiries are non-obligatory, and all information is kept strictly confidential.