About Le V

Elite escorts in auckland


Le V is a sophisticated re-imagining of escort salons of the past.

A female-owned elite escort enterprise, Le V is prided on unapologetic and unparalleled luxury.

Our focus is on curating genuine, personalised matches that result in mutual satisfaction from our encounters.

A boutique selection of some of Auckland’s most beautiful and sensual women, Le V also derives delight in the intellect and conversational skills of our courtesans.

Catering to the multitude of tastes held by discerning gentlemen, Le V escorts are hand-picked for their exceptional presentation and charm.

There’s a Le V lady for every appetite, and they’re waiting for you.

Why not see for yourself?

The Details



Le V’s contact hours are 9.00am until 11.00pm, 7 days.

Bookings outside of these hours, and overnight encounters, are available with advance notice.

Please note that the availability of an individual high end escort may vary, subject to her schedule. To ensure your best chances of seeing the lady of your preference, at your desired time, booking in advance is highly recommended. A minimum of an hour’s notice is required for all appointments.


Our in-call location is an exquisite, luxury salon located in central Auckland. You’ll receive the location upon confirmation of your booking.

Strictly by appointment only.


If you’re visiting from out of town, and prefer to remain in the comfort of your accredited 5 star hotel, Le V ladies would be equally as delighted to visit you. An additional outlay of $30.00 will apply if you’re staying in the central Auckland vicinity.

Outcalls outside of the central Auckland region will incur additional costs. Our escorts may travel outside of Auckland with advance notice, for an additional fee.


| Cash | Bank Transfer (in advance) | Paypal (in advance) | Credit Cards (incur a 5% surcharge, AMEX not accepted) |

Please note that a $100.00 deposit applies for all first time clients.


Would you like to arrange a rendezvous?

You can book by phone, or by completing the form on our contact page. Be sure to let us know what kind of experience you’re looking for, so that we can facilitate an exceptional match.